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Conditions of Use

Conditions of Use< br />

1. The sale agreement becomes controlled by these conditions, which both parties explicitly accept by closing the sale. Deviations of these conditions can arise only by an explicit and preceding agreement.
2. Goods are payable at the address of the salesman, net, without discount, at latest at reception of goods by the purchaser. At foreign payments all banking fees are at the expense of the purchaser.
3. In case the purchaser unlawfully refuses ordered goods, the salesman is entitled to charge the purchaser 30% of the invoice amount for the damage caused by the termination of the sale.
4. The purchaser recognizes the property reservation of the salesman until the complete payment of the goods. Additionally, the purchaser is entirely responsible for the destiny and responsible for possible damage to goods which have left from the warehouse of the salesman.
5. Possible complaints must be made within EIGHT days after receiving the goods. After this period supply and price are considered as definite.
6. Even free sent goods, travel on risk of the addressee.
7. In case of non-conform supply the salesman has the right to replace goods without this in account of the purchaser arises a right to possible damage claims. The indicated supply date is an estimate date.
8. For all disputes which are related to the implementation of this agreement and/or sale only the courts of the district Hasselt (Belgium) have jurisdiction.

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